The 2nd International Workshop on Computational Optimization and Engineering Applications (COEA’17)
International Workshop on Computational Optimization and Engineering Applications (COEA’17) will be held at National School of Applied Sciences(ENSA), Tetuan, Morocco on March 29th and 30th 2017.
The 2nd edition of the workshop COEA’17 is aiming to present new advances and research results of computational algorithms and modeling technology for optimization. COEA’17 will be an opportunity to bring together professionals academic scientists, researchers and professionals.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Healthy Logistics
Reverse logistics
Maritime logistics
Scheduling problems
Timetabling problems
Modelling and simulation
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Vehicle routing problems and multimodality
Stock and supply management
Quality and integrated management systems
Reliability and Maintenance Management
Risk management
Stochastic optimization
Strategic management
Geolocation technologies
Mathematical programming
Neural Networks
Optimal Control of Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs
Nonlinear partial differential equations and stochastic
Papers must be prepared using ACM template (max 10 pages) and submitted electronically in PDF format via the Easychair system. Click here to submit a new paper.
All accepted papers will be published by ACM ICPS and included in ACM digital library (
The publication in ACM ICPS has been confirmed. The ISBN number assigned By ACM ICPS to BDCA’17(COEA’17) conference is 978-1-4503-4852-2. ACM send all published materials to Thomson Reuters, Scopus and DBLP for indexing in their products.
Furthermore, authors of high quality papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their work for potential publication in a special issue/section of an international journal.
Important Dates
– Paper submission: January 15th, 2017
– Deadline extended to : Jan. 22nd, 2017
– Acceptance notification: February 19th, 2017
– Camera ready copy due: March 05th, 2017
– Conference dates March 29th and 30th, 2017
Prof. Btissam DKHISSI, ENSA, UAE, Tetuan , Morocco
Prof. Mohamed Badr BENBOUBKER, ENSA, UAE, Tetuan, Morocco
Program Committee
Rachida ABOUNACER, FS Agadir, Morocco
Youssef BENAADADA, ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco
Mohamed Badr BENBOUBKER, ENSA, UAE, Tetuan, Morocco
Ghizlane BENCHEIKH, FSJES Meknes, Morocco
Jaouad BOUKACHOUR, IUT le Havre, France
Houssam CHRAYTEH, Beirut Arab University, Tripoli, Lebanon
Abdellatif EL AFIA, ENSIAS Rabat, Morocco
Abdellah EL FALLAHI, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Ahmed EL HILALI ALAOUI, FST Fez, Morocco
Kamal Eddine EL KADIRI, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Fatima EL KHOUKHI, FLSH Meknes, Morocco
Mohamed EL MEROUANI, FP Tetuan, Morocco
Karim EL MOUTAOUAKIL, ENSA El Hoceima, Morocco
Mohamed ETTAOUIL, FST Fez, Morocco
Youssef GHANOU, EST Meknes, Morocco
Majda FIKRI, ENCG Agadir, Morocco
Hassane HJIAJ, FS, UAE, Tetuan, Morocco
Abdelghni LAKEHAL, FP Larache, Morocco
Tarik LAMOUDAN, University of King Khalid, Abha – KSA
Chakir LOQMAN, EST Meknes, Morocco
Elhassania MESSAOUD, UPF, Fez, Morocco
Mounir Mekkour, USMBA, Fez, Morocco
Mohamed REGHIOUI, ENSA, Tetuan, Morocco
Hamid SEGHIOUER, ENSA, UAE, Tetuan, Morocco
Saoud SAHAR, ENCG Agadir, Morocco
zouhir MAHANI, EST Agadir, Morocco
Lajjam AZZA, ENSA Tetuan, Morocco
Zineb BESRI, ENSA Tetuan, Morocco
Hicham SARIR, ENSA Tetuan, Morocco
Mustapha OUDANI, Private University of Marrakech, Morocco
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